The list below describes terms commonly used in eWonders app and this website.

Account An unique identifier linking the eWonders application to the server.
Add Gadget A selection for configuring an item which indicates a gadget is embedded in it.
Answer An selection on the picker gadget which indicates the criteria needed to trigger a response on an item.
Background A fixed ratio (3 x 2) image occupying the entire stage of a scene. It serves as a backdrop for items
Build This segment allows users to create Wonders by dragging images to the stage and cutomize their interactions.
Builder A user who's building a Wonder.
Bundled Item An item image that's bundled with a particular background image. The bundle process is established in the Library/Background section.
Buy More Features More gadgets and storage spaces are available to purchase. This button connects you to the app stor
Change Location Move, rotate, resize, or change trasparency of an item.
Change Scene Exit the current scene and load a another specified scene.
Change State Change an item's state regarding whether it's visible and/or enabled.
Common Item An item image that can be used with any background image.
Customized Picker A gadget that allows a player to select from a list of phrases.
Delete Wonder Remove the selected Wonder from the library.
Device Set up device parameters.
Disable Disable is a changing state response for an item. It Changes an item's state to Disabled..
Display Message Display message put a message on the title bar responding to an user's gesture.
Effects This button lets you set title texts, hints, sounds, and other effects for the current scene.
Enable Enable is a changing state response for an item. It Changes an item's state to enabled..
Enabled The state of an item that allows it to interact with the player.
File name An uniue name with proper file extension created or edited by the builder to store an image.
Gadget An advanced feature given to an item. Currently, there are four types of gadgets: textbox, number picker, letter picker, and customized picker.
Gesture A user movement on the screen that can affect an item. Acceptable gestures are touch, move, and receive.
GoeWonders GoeWonders if the website, and the cloud server for eWonders application.
File name An uniue name with proper file extension created or edited by the builder to store an image.
Hide Hide is a changing state response for an item. It Changes an item's state to Invisible.
Image Name An uniue name created or edited by the builder to identify an image.
Image Source The place to search for images. There are three places to search in eWonders: camera roll, GOeWonders server, or the internet.
Internet This button will connect you to the internet to search for images.
Invite Invite the member with the entered user name to join your community.
Is Enabled The state of an item that allows the player to interact with it at the beginning of a scene.
Is Visible The state of an item that allows the player to see it at the beginning of a scene.
Item An image on a background that can interact with players.
Item Properties A navigation of views that set up interactions of an item. This process is started by touching an item after it was placed on the stage.
JPG/JPEG Format One of two graphic formats accepted for images in eWondersapplication.
Keep Bottom When an image is longer than the background dimensions, crop from the top.
Keep Center When an image is larger than the background dimensions, center the image and crop from both sides.
Keep Left When an image is wider than the background dimensions, crop from the right.
Keep Right When an image is wider than the background dimensions, crop from the left.
Keep Top When an image is larger than the background dimensions, crop from the bottom.
Letter Picker A gadget that allows a player to select from a list of single alphabets or symbols. Default is from A to Z.
Library This segment allows you to publish and download Wonders, and manage resources for building Wonders.
Load Wonder Load the selected Wonder from GOeWonders server or the local archive into a wonder storage space.
Local Archive A place to save wonders on the device. When a Wonder is not used, it can be stored in the local archieve for later usage.
Message This page lets you view incoming messages and write outgoing messages to other members.
My Community Touch this button to send this message to every member of your community.
My Wonders The Wonders you built and published.
Number Picker A gadget that allows a player to select from a list of numeric values. Default is from 0 to 9.
Options This segment allows you to configure your device, set preferences, and interact with GOeWonders and other users.
Photos Press this button will use the camera roll as source of images.
Play This segment allows users to play Wonders created by self or downloaded from GOeWonders website.
Player A user who is playing a Wonder.
PNG Format Protable Network Graphic Format which is one of two graphic formats accepted for images in eWondersapplication.
Private Wonder A Wonder that can only be shared with members of your community.
Public Wonder A Wonder that will be shared with all users of eWonders.
Publish Wonder Upload the selected Wonder to GOeWondersserver. Please review Publish Guide before publishing your Wonders.
Reload (Images) When device camera roll has changed, it will not be listed until you press the reload button.
Response Criteria A set of conditions that must be met before an item will respond.
Scene A background image with a number of item images. Each of the item images can have customized user interactions.
Segment There are four segments in eWonders: Library, Options, Build and Play. They can be selected from the main menu or from within each segment.
Selected Member This button is to identify a member of eWonders to send a message to.
Set Build Default Set the selected Wonder to be loaded into the theater for build.
Set Play Default Set the selected Wonder to be loaded into the theater for play.
Show Show is a changing state response for an item. It Changes an item's state to visible.
Stage The area where the scenes are displayed.
State State describes a set of conditions of an item. It includes whether an item is visible, enabled or responded.
Storage ID A unique ID number given to a storage space of a Wonder in the library.
Storage Bins Each Wonder occupies a storage bin in the eWonders application. The library shows a list storage bins with the Wonders occupying them.
Target Location An area on the stage where an item can be moved to.
Text Box A gadget that turns an item into a textbox that allows the builder to enter text
Theater The workspace to play or build a wonder. It contains a stage, an array of images or inventory, and navigation buttons.
Transfer My Existing Account A checkbox when selected will transfer your existing account to a newly installed eWonders application.
Wonder A collection of interconnected scenses. Must contain a beginning scene and an ending scene.